Tuesday, July 8, 2008

About me (Hans)

I am an immigration attorney in Phoenix, Arizona, which always makes for an interesting conversation starter in a border state. I actually practice Global immigration, which means I get people to any other country but the US. So if you need to work in Pakistan, please feel free to contact me.

I am married and have a son, who both love it here. I am a pretty boring person, especially if I have time to blog about LDS topics during work.

Jeremy and I went to law school together in New Hampshire until last summer when we graduated. While in school, we talked apologetics and shared our thoughts about the Gospel.

We still keep in touch regularly through work emails and discuss our ideas. We found that we migrate to many of the same LDS-oriented blogs and so decided to do our own blog where we can publish our conversations, thoughts, musings, and allow anyone else to comment with their thoughts on the topic. Please feel free to share your thoughts about our topics.

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